FSDSS-573 The secretary's first day of probation...

Yuko is a beautiful, talented woman. But because she is a woman, she is always despised by the useless department head. The more Yuko wanted to prove herself, the more she threw herself into work, not caring about male or female relationships. Because she overslept today, Yuko was in a hurry to go to work and forgot to wear a bra. The thin shirt allowed the manager to clearly see Yuko's big round breasts, her nipples seemed to appear before his eyes. Seeing that, he immediately gave her a... band-aid to cover it! The company plans to establish a subsidiary in the near future, and the director intends to bring Yuko to run this company. Unable to let that happen, the department head took advantage of Yuko's overtime work, tied her hands, stimulated her breasts and fucked her right at the company! After that, he took pictures and forced her not to wear a bra and a vibrator to work. Because Yuko knew almost nothing about sex and her body was extremely sensitive, after letting him fuck her a few times, having him stimulate her nipples made her body unforgettable. When he suddenly didn't pay attention to her, didn't want to fuck her, Yuko felt like she was going crazy. She ignored everything and did whatever he said as long as she could fuck him. . And then, he showed the video of her masturbating herself to her superiors, he even forced her to appear in front of her boss without wearing a bra! After that, he was immediately appointed as CEO of the new company. And Yuko now belongs to him, like a slave who only wants to be fucked by him...

FSDSS-573 The secretary's first day of probation...

FSDSS-573 The secretary's first day of probation...

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